Friday, May 23, 2014

Code Geass Review

Basic Information:
Genre: Action, mystery, mecha, school, science
Episodes: 25 (With a second season)

Synopsis: The plot revolves around a young, intelligent high school boy named Lelouch. The story takes place in a futuristic world where Brittania has taken over Japan. The Brittania (Brittania, not Britain) live lavish lives where they exploit the Japanese in any means possible, producing a stark social hierarchical system in which the royal Brittanians rule the lowly Japanese. One day, Lelouch, a royal Brittanian student, gains the power of geass. When looking someone in the eye, he has the power to issue one absolute command to the person, but it can only work once on each person. (Once you've issued a command to someone, you cannot issue another to the person for the rest of eternity) After Lelouch realized he had such power, he embarks on the journey to revive Japan with this power as he eventually finds more and more about the history of Brittania, the collusion behind the Brittanian government, and the history of his family.

Intended Audience: Due to the ubiquitous presence of blood, gore, and occasional ecchi scenes, I would estimate that the intended audience would be 15+. People who love a sophisticated, complicated, and intricate plot will love this anime because it has a multitude of plots, subplots, and complications which are all based on the long-winded history carefully fabricated by the producers of the anime.

Aestheics: The anime has an opening soundtrack that doesn't seem to jump out at the audience. However, Code Geass has memorable in-anime music that is far unique to other anime. Despite these unique in-anime music, the anime is poorly animated with inproportional bodies when compared to the contemporary anime we watch today.
Music: 8/10
Animation: 5/10

Plot: Code Geass has a thrilling plot based upon the extensive history of the world inside the anime. There are a multitude of mind-blowing scenes that will keep the audience always on guard, prepared to watch episode after episode. (9.5/10)

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